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A 360° view is a virtual tool, which allows the user to "walk around, and see a physical environment as if one were there. This could be, for example, the interior of a train set. In many cases, such a view can replace the need for a physical inspection. Especially beneficial if you work with people who do not have the opportunity to be physically present, but also reduces the need for, and the risk of, an on-site inspection. You can also link to other data inside the view such as links, images, technical info etc. into the view. This makes such a display a unique tool that can be used for many different purposes, such as digital inspections, marketing, courses/training, documentation, etc. • Possibility of virtual inspection of trains (VR compatible) • Marketing on the website and social media • Link info and data seamlessly into display • Use the 360° view for training/courses

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© 2024 by Unstad AS

Unstad AS

Dyvekes vei 2, 0192, Oslo, Norway

Erling Haugnes, General Manager / CEO

T: +47 932 69 597 

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